What are fermented
Foods or food
ingredients that rely on microbial growth as part of their processing or
Food Fermentation
Metabolic activities
occur during fermentation that:
Extend shelf life by
producing acids
Change flavor and
texture by producing certain compounds such as alcohol
Improve the nutritive
value of the product by:
Microorganisms can synthesize vitamins
Breakdown indigestible materials to release nutrients, i.e., bound
Fermented Foods
Foods fermented by
Fruit (grapes) à Wine
Rice à Saki
Bread dough à Bread
Foods fermented by
Soybeans à Soy sauce
Cheese à Swiss cheese
Foods fermented by
Cucumbers à Dill pickles
Cabbage à Sauerkraut
Cream à Sour cream
Milk à Yogurt
Food Fermentations –
Anaerobic breakdown
of an organic substrate by an enzyme system in which the final hydrogen
acceptor is an organic compound

Biological processes
that occur in the dark and that do not involve respiratory chains with oxygen
or nitrate as electron acceptors
Food Fermentations –
Sugars … Acids …
Alcohols, Aldehydes
Proteins … Amino
acids … Alcohols, Aldehydes
Lipids … Free fatty
acids … Ketones
Respiration vs.
Refer to how cells
generate energy from carbohydrates
Glycolysis + TCA (Kreb’s) Cycle + Electron
O2 is final electron acceptor
Glucose is completely oxidized to CO2

“Fermentation” is
used broadly – describe where the use of the word comes from.
ATP=main chemical
energy in a cell.
Some organisms (facultative anaerobes), including
yeast and many bacteria, can survive using either fermentation or respiration.
For facultative
pyruvate is a fork in the
metabolic road that leads
to two alternative routes.

Respiration vs.
An organic compound is the final electron
Glucose is converted to one or more 1-3 carbon compounds

In this class, we
will deal mostly with m/o that are generating energy by fermentation.
Why would a cell
ferment vs. respire (since less energy is produced)? Can’t respire, can, but no oxygen present.
Produces less energy
than respiration, but no oxygen required.
From food standpoint,
byproducts are important.
During lactic acid fermentation, pyruvate is
reduced directly by NADH to form lactate (ionized form of lactic acid).
Lactic acid
fermentation by some fungi and bacteria is used to make cheese and yogurt.

In alcohol fermentation, pyruvate is
converted to ethanol in two steps.
First, pyruvate is
converted to a two-carbon compound, acetaldehyde by the removal of CO2.
Second, acetaldehyde
is reduced by NADH to ethanol.
Alcohol fermentation
by yeast is used in
brewing and

Carbohydrates, fats,
and proteins can all be catabolized through the same pathways.

Respiration vs.
Some cells can
respire and ferment sugars for energy.
The cell will do one or the other depending on the conditions.
Example: Saccharomyces cerevisiae
(baker’s, ale and wine yeast).
Some cells can only
respire or only ferment sugars for energy.
Example: Lactic acid bacteria produce energy by fermentation.
In this class, we
will deal mostly with m/o that are generating energy by fermentation.
Why would a cell
ferment vs. respire (since less energy is produced)? Can’t respire, can, but no oxygen present.
Produces less energy
than respiration, but no oxygen required.
From food standpoint,
byproducts are important.

Typical fermentation process
substrate disappears
as cell mass increases
sugar, then other
small molecules, then polymers used
primary metabolic
products (acids) accumulate during growth
pH drops if acids
growth and product
formation stop as substrate is depleted
microbial succession
depends on substrate and acid levels
Food Fermentations
In food
fermentations, we exploit microorganisms’ metabolism for food production and
Where do the
microorganisms come from to initiate the food fermentation?
Two ways to initiate
a food fermentation….
...traditional &
controlled fermentations
Fermentative energy
pathways that we are expoiting
Controlled vs.
Natural Fermentation
Natural fermentation
Create conditions to
inhibit undesirable fermentation yet allow desirable fermentation
Vegetables + salt
Controlled vs. Natural
Deliberately add
microorganisms to ensure desired fermentation
Example: fermented
dairy products
Lactose … Lactic acid
Starter culture
Lactics or Lactic
starter or Lactic acid bacteria (LAB)

Disadvantage: Process and product are unpredictable depending on source of raw
material, season, cleanliness of facility, etc.
Some flavors unique to a region or product may only be attained this
Relies on m/o
naturally found in the raw material.
Have been going on
for thousands of years. Long before we
knew what bacteria and fungi are.
Conditions adjusted
so that desirable microorganisms grow.

Advantage: – uniformity, efficient, more
control of process and product
Disadvantage: Isolating the right strain(s)
to inoculate is not always easy. Complexity
of flavors may decrease.
Large numbers of
desirable m/o’s are added to the raw material.
This is a starter
It helps if raw
material is sterile or has reduced natural microflora, so that the added m/o’s
dominate quickly.
Conditions adjusted so
that desirable (starter culture) m/o’s grow.
Fermentations: Starter cultures
Two main starter
culture types are used to inoculate the raw material:
Pure microbial cultures prepared
specifically for a particular food fermentation. (More details on these later.)
“Backslop” method = Using some of the
product from a previous successful fermentation to inoculate the next batch of
raw material.
Fermentation: pure cultures

Provides most control
First used in the
Fermentation: “backslop” method

Can pass on
undesirable organisms too.
Balance of live
organisms may change in final product.
Can pass on
undesirable organisms too.
Balance of live
organisms may change in final product.
Used in the old
days. Not common now on an industrial
scale because of the risk of contamination.
Why we ferment foods
Microbial energy
metabolism: respiration vs.
fermentations – indigenous microflora
fermentations – starter culture added
Food products
from milk:
cheese, yogurt, sour
cream, buttermilk
lactic acid bacteria
(lactobacilli, streptococci)
fermented sausages,
hams, fish (Asia)
lactic acid bacteria
(lactobacilli, pediococci), molds
beer (yeasts make ethanol)
wines (ethanol
fermentation from grapes, other fruits)
vinegar (ethanol
oxidized to acetic acid)
sourdough (yeast +
crackers, raised
breads (yeasts)
single cell protein:
how cheaply and
efficiently can cells be grown?
waste materials as
substrate (bacteria, yeast, molds)
sunlight and CO2
uses in animal feeds
(frequently) or human foods
prefer protein to
whole cells
high nucleic acids
--> kidney stones,
Organic acids
Primary Metabolites
Organic acids are.
(primary products of metabolism).
During the log phase of growth the products
produced are essential to the growth of the cells.
Secondary metabolites:
(Secondary products of metabolism)
During the stationary
phase some microbial cultures
synthesize compounds
which are not produced during
the trophophase* and
do not appear to have any
obvious function in
cell metabolism.(idiophase*)
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno
FPIK Universitas Brawijaya Angakatan 2015
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