Ikan Remang Bisa Atau
Longtail Moray (Strophidon sathete); Morfologi, Habitat, Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
Masuk kedalam famili Muraenidae, Hidup di Dasar
laut berlumpur, muara dan sungai, 0–52 m; mirip dengan 4.1 & 4.8 tapi ekor
lebih panjang (panjang bagian depan dubur 2.5–3.2 kali panjang totalnya), 3
pori-pori infraorbital, gigi maksilar dalam dua barisan berukuran sama, coklat
tua sampai abu-abu merata, sirip-sirip lebih gelap; Indo–Pasifik Barat; sampai
minimal 375 cm.
Remang Fish Can Or
Longtail Moray (Strophidon sathete); Morphology, Habitat, Characteristics, Classification
Enter the Muraenidae family, Live in Muddy
ocean bottoms, estuaries and rivers, to 52 m depth; similar to 4.1 and 4.8 but
tail longer (preanal length 2.5–3.2 times in TL), 3 infraorbital pores,
maxillary teeth in two similar-sized rows, uniform dark brown to grey, and fins
darker; Indo–W. Pacific; to at least 375 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno S.Pi
Daftar Pustaka
W. T., P., R. Last., Dharmadi., R. Faizah., U. Chodrijah., B. I. Prisantoso.,
J. J. Pogonoski., M. Puckridge., S. J. M. Blaber. 2013. Market Fishes Of
Indonesian. Australian Centre For International Agricultural Research
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