Ikan Celeneig,
Pidana, Kwee Atau False Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon cf. speciosus); Morfologi,
Habitat, Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
kedalam famili Carangidae, Hidup di Perairan pantai dangkal; sangat mirip
dengan 63.30 di atas tetapi berbeda karena memiliki garis hitam lebih banyak
(lebih terpisah-pisah), dasar sirip dubur pucat dan bertepi kuning, sirip ekor
tanpa ujung hitam; Indonesia dan Malaysia, mungkin lebih jauh; mungkin sampai
120 cm.
Celeneig, Criminal,
Kwee Or False Golden Trevally (Gnathanodon cf. speciosus); Morphology, Habitat,
Traits, Classification
the Carangidae family, Live on Shallow coastal waters; very similar to 63.30
but differs in having more black bars (present in large individuals), anal fin
with pale base and yellow margin, and caudal fin without distinct black tips;
Indonesia and Malaysia, possibly further afield; possibly to 120 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno, S.Pi
Daftar Pustaka
W. T., P., R. Last., Dharmadi., R. Faizah., U. Chodrijah., B. I. Prisantoso.,
J. J. Pogonoski., M. Puckridge., S. J. M. Blaber. 2013. Market Fishes Of
Indonesian. Australian Centre For International Agricultural Research.
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