Ikan Jaer
Karang Atau Yellowmask Angelfish (Pomacanthus xanthometopon); Morfologi,
Habitat, Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
Masuk kedalam famili Pomachantidae, hidup di Terumbu
karang, kedalaman 5–30 m; duri besar di sudut depan tutup insang, kepala biru
cerah berbintik oranye dengan penutup oranye sampai mata, kantong sisik biru
bertepi kuning, sirip dada dan ekor kuning, bintik gelap di belakang sirip
punggung; Indo–Pasifik Barat; sampai 38 cm.
Jaer Fish Or Yellowmask Angelfish (Pomacanthus xanthometopon); Morphology,
Habitat, Traits, Classification
Enter the Pomachantidae family, live on Coral
reefs, 5–30 m depth; large spine at corner of preopercle, head bright blue with
orange spots and orange mask through eyes, scale pockets blue with yellow
edges, pectoral and caudal fins orange, dark spot at rear of dorsal fin;
Indo–W. Pacific; to 38 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno, S.Pi.
Daftar Pustaka
William. T., Peter. R. Last., Dharmadi., Ria. Faizah., Umi. Chodrijah., Budi. Iskandar.
Prisantoso., John. J. Pogonoski., Melody. Puckridge., Stephen. J. M. Blaber.
2013. Market Fishes Of Indonesian. Australian Centre For International
Agricultural Research.
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