Ikan Lembain, Anglu,
Kleng atau Bleeker’s Parrotfish (Chlorurus bleekeri); Morfologi, Habitat,
Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
kedalam famili Scaridae, hidup di Terumbu karang dan berbatu, kedalaman 0–35 m;
2 deret sisik di bawah mata, pelat gigi terlihat jelas, fase awal coklat tua
bergaris pucat dengan pangkal ekor pucat, jantan hijau-biru dengan pipi
bebercak merah mudakekuningan bertepi hijau; Pasifik Barat; sampai 30 cm.
Lembain, Anglu, Kleng
or Bleeker's Parrotfish (Chlorurus bleekeri); Morphology, Habitat, Traits,
the Scaridae family, live on Coral and rocky reefs, to 35 m depth; 2 rows of
scales below eye, dental plates well exposed, initial phase dark brown with
broad pale bars on sides and pale caudal peduncle, males blue–green and cheek
with a yellowish pink blotch bordered with green; W. Pacific; to 30 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno, S.Pi.
Daftar Pustaka
William. T., Peter. R. Last., Dharmadi., Ria. Faizah., Umi. Chodrijah., Budi. Iskandar.
Prisantoso., John. J. Pogonoski., Melody. Puckridge., Stephen. J. M. Blaber.
2013. Market Fishes Of Indonesian. Australian Centre For International
Agricultural Research.
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