Ikan Lembain, Anglu,
Kleng, Kakatua atau Swarthy Parrotfish (Scarus niger); Morfologi, Habitat,
Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
kedalam famili Scaridae, hidup di Terumbu karang dan berbatu, kedalaman 5–20 m;
2 deret sisik di bawah mata, pelat gigi sebagian besar tertutup bibir, hijau
tua sampai hitam kecoklatan merata dengan bintik kehijauan cerah di atas tutup
insang, sirip (kecuali sirip dada) bertepi biru cerah; Indo–Pasifik Barat;
sampai 35 cm.
Lembain, Anglu,
Kleng, Cockatoo or Swarthy Parrotfish (Scarus niger); Morphology, Habitat,
Traits, Classification
the Scaridae family, live on Coral and rocky reefs, 5–20 m depth; 2 rows of
scales below eye, dental plates mostly covered by lips, uniformly dark green to
brownish black with bright greenish spot on upper operculum, fins (except
pectorals) with bright-blue outer margins; Indo–W. Pacific; to 35 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno, S.Pi.
Daftar Pustaka
William. T., Peter. R. Last., Dharmadi., Ria. Faizah., Umi. Chodrijah., Budi. Iskandar.
Prisantoso., John. J. Pogonoski., Melody. Puckridge., Stephen. J. M. Blaber.
2013. Market Fishes Of Indonesian. Australian Centre For International
Agricultural Research.
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