Ikan Hias atau Moorish
Idol (Zanclus cornutus); Morfologi, Habitat, Ciri-Ciri, Klasifikasi
kedalam famili Zanclidae, hidup di Terumbu berbatu dan karang, kedalaman 0–180
m; tubuh sangat lebar dan sangat pipih, moncong amat menonjol, tonjolan tulang
tajam di depan mata, duri ke-3 sirip punggung sangat panjang, 2 garis lebar
hitam pada tubuh dan kepala, pelana oranye pada moncong; Indo–Pasifik; sampai
22 cm.
Ornamental Fish or
Moorish Idol (Zanclus cornutus); Morphology, Habitat, Characteristics,
the Zanclidae family, live on Rocky and coral reefs, to 180 m depth; body very
deep and very compressed, snout greatly protruding, sharp bony projection in
front of eye, 3rd dorsal spine very long, 2 broad black bars on body and head,
orange saddle on snout; Indo–Pacific; to 22 cm.
Purnomo Aji Sutrisno, S.Pi.
Daftar Pustaka
William. T., Peter. R. Last., Dharmadi., Ria. Faizah., Umi. Chodrijah., Budi. Iskandar.
Prisantoso., John. J. Pogonoski., Melody. Puckridge., Stephen. J. M. Blaber.
2013. Market Fishes Of Indonesian. Australian Centre For International
Agricultural Research.
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